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Integrate your own PowerPoint template
Integrate your own PowerPoint template
Updated over a month ago

To make a custom PowerPoint template with your own custom branding, you need to create a file that is compatible with FlowShare. You have two options:

  1. Download a POTX template to save time - necessary placeholders are already correctly named. This clean, functional template lacks extensive formatting and styling, but you can easily add your own design elements. (Recommended)

  2. Start with your own template and apply the necessary modifications in the Slide Master according to the guide below.

Note! This feature is available only for FlowShare Enterprise users and is not included in the free version.

Open the Slide Master

1. Start PowerPoint and open the template (PPTX or POTX file extension) you want to make compatible with FlowShare.

2. Open the ‘View’ menu item and select the ‘Slide Master’.

3. In the Slide Master, the placeholders for various elements (title, text, picture, etc) need to be named correctly so that FlowShare can assign them properly. In the next steps we will show you how to do this.

4. First click on the slide that you want FlowShare to use. FlowShare needs placeholders for screen captures, headings and description texts.

Second, select a placeholder from your slide template. Let's start with the image placeholder first

Displaying and renaming the object names correctly in your PowerPoint template.

5. Switch to the ‘Shape Format’ tab that appears after the selection.

6. Click on ‘Selection Area…’ option.

7. Double click on the object you want FlowShare to use for the screenshots.


8. This placeholder will contain the images from your flow. Change the name of the object to ‘fs-picture’ (without quotes). Confirm your input by pressing the Enter key.

9. Double-click the object you want FlowShare to use for captions.


10. This placholder will display the (optional) section headlines. Change the name of the object to 'fs-title' (without quotation marks). Confirm your input by pressing the Enter key.

11. Double-click on the object you want FlowShare to use for your texts.


12. This placeholder will contain all the description texts that you enter to a slide. Change the name of the object to 'fs-text' (without quotation marks). Confirm your input by pressing the Enter key.


13. Now specify the placeholders on the title page. This will contain the title of your flow.

'fs-title' (without quotation marks) for the title of the document.


14. And then 'fs-author' (without quotation marks) for the author’s placeholder.


You can add the 'fs-affiliation' (without quotation marks) for the company/department placeholder.

Save your PowerPoint template

15. Click on the ‘File’ tab.

16. Click on “Save as” and Browse your desired destination.

17. Open the ‘File type’ and select ‘PowerPoint template (*.potx). This will create a template and not a normal presentation.

Integrate the PowerPoint template

18. Click on the Export button in FlowShare

19. Select export in PPTX format.

20. Click the ” Add your own template” button to add your own template.

21. Now select your template. Only files in .potx format are allowed.
Click on the “Open” button.

22. You have imported your PowerPoint template into FlowShare!

23. Your template is now available for selection in the thumbnail view. Click on the Export button if you want to export.

Bonus: Your custom PowerPoint templates will also appear on the PDF tab and you can use those to create a PDF version of your flow. Download a template in Portrait or Landscape format and customize it to your needs!

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