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Changing arrow shape, size, color and transparency
Changing arrow shape, size, color and transparency
Updated this week

You can customize the shape, color, transparency and size of the display arrow. To do this, open the Settings in the lower left corner of the FlowShare application and click on the Design tab.

Arrow Shape

You can change the type of arrow by clicking on the drop-down menu. In addition to the arrows, also a rectangular frame is available for selection.

Additionally you can add your custom arrow if you want.

Arrow Size

In addition to the arrow selection, you can choose between arrow sizes:

  • S (small),

  • M (medium)

  • L (large)

Arrow Color and Transparency

You can customize the color and transparency of arrows in your instructions using the "Change color and transparency" option.

  1. Click the colored box to open the color settings window.

  2. Select your preferred color from the color spectrum.

  3. Adjust the transparency using the Alpha channel value:

    • 0 = Fully transparent

    • 255 = Fully visible

Note! This feature is available only for FlowShare Professional and Enterprise users and is not included in the free version.

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